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Lady Gaga's "Born This Way" Is Turning 10, Tell Us How It Impacted You

She put us all on the right track, baby.

We are nearing the 10th anniversary of Lady Gaga's Born This Way album, and it's no secret that this album not only changed lives, it saved them.

The cover of Gaga's Born This Way album, which has her head on top of a motorcycle

I'm gay (Yes, a gay Gaga fan, shocker) — but just a decade ago I was too afraid to even admit that to myself, let alone to friends or family.

A mirror selfie of me in 2011

Listening to the album on full blast in my car as I drove around my small, conservative town gave me the space I needed to be my true self. Eventually, I welcomed friends and family into that safe space, and with Gaga's affirming art, I was able to come out to them. My life has only gotten richer since.

And like me, many have stories about what this album meant to them and how it completely transformed their lives. Perhaps you too are queer, and hearing your favorite pop star say, "No matter gay, straight, or bi, lesbian, transgendered life, I'm on the right track baby, I was born to survive," gave you the strength to keep going in your own life.

Or maybe you felt like an outcast growing up and "Hair" gave you the permission to embrace what makes you totally unique.

Gaga performing "Marry the Night" in a high side ponytail

Perhaps seeing Gaga going through her life's struggles and ultimately triumph in the "Marry the Night" music video showed you the light at the end of your own tunnel.

Gaga in a hospital bed in the "Marry the Night" video

However big or small, we want to hear all about how Born This Way changed your life for the better! Or, if you'd rather remain anonymous, simply fill out this form instead. We'll feature your responses in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post.