17 Hotels That Have No Business Being This Badly Designed

    Is there anything worse than one star?

    1. This hotel mirror that lets anyone look into your room:

    2. This beautiful hotel room view into the hallway:

    3. This hotel that gives you a real-life Snapchat filter:

    This hotel has a mirror on a mirror. Just...why?

    4. This hotel shower that comes with a light switch included:

    5. These stairs that don't want you to live:

    6. This hotel that has zero respect for whoever they put in room 606 and 607:

    7. This futon that is, well, pointless:

    8. This hotel tub that doesn't do the one thing it was designed to do:

    9. This hotel carpet that makes it look like blood is being tracked through the hallways:

    10. This dark sign guests have to put on their door once they've checked out:

    11. This toilet paper holder that's basically 4,000 feet away from the toilet:

    12. These elevator buttons that have no rhyme or reason:

    13. This TV that wasn't hung up center to its panel:

    14. This hotel shower that doesn't have a wall keeping water in from the rest of the bathroom:

    15. These curtains that weren't designed with real blood...allegedly:

    16. This piece of metal sticking out of a hotel bed that is at ankle height:

    17. And finally, this sink that...just, like...why and how?

    H/T: /r/CrappyDesign