17 Photos Grocery Store Workers Don't Want To Relate To, But Sadly Do

    It's not hard to be a decent human being.

    Grocery store workers deal with so much already, and for the past year they've had to face hoards of people panic-buying, a deadly virus, mask enforcement, and oftentimes low pay. They deserve so much more than they get so I think it's safe to say that being a decent human being when grocery shopping is the least any of us can do. Unfortunately, these next 17 photos prove that not every customer seems to think the same:

    1. Don't just abandon items wherever you want just for your convenience.

    2. It leads to A LOT of wasted food and wasted time for the employees.

    3. I get it. You changed your mind about the salad. The least you could do is walk two aisles over and stick it back in the fridge!

    4. And don't even get me started on items abandoned near checkout, when you could have just handed them to the cashier.


    6. Don't treat the store like it's a garbage can.

    7. The workers aren't your personal maids, so don't act like that cup will disappear all on its own.

    8. And when it comes to carts, they weren't born to be free-range. They need to be corralled and that starts with the customer.

    9. The workers who have to go collect these carts are already dealing with whatever weather they're given that day, so don't make their lives harder.

    10. Seriously.

    11. And no, the cart isn't your personal dumpster either.

    12. Taking random bites out of items and putting them BACK? Stop.

    13. Throwing food around for the fun of it? Why?

    14. And if you're being cautious and wearing gloves while shopping, don't then dump your coronavirus-covered glove anywhere and everywhere.

    15. The ground outside the grocery store is also not the place to do so.

    16. As a sidenote, if you're paying with cash, make things go as swiftly as possible. No one has time to unfold your paper football.

    17. In conclusion, these workers deserve wayyyy more than they're getting. 

    H/T r/mildlyinfuriating