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23 Texts You've Probably Gotten If You Have A Latina Mom

It's now officially "varvi qui" and not "barbecue."

1. This mom who likely sent this while her kid was sitting in the other room:

El mensaje de la persona que nunca quiero que me falte.

Twitter: @CorridosYBandas

"Where are you?"

2. This mom who had this telenovela-esque line ready to go because her calls went unanswered:

I think my mom wins most dramatic hispanic mom. 😂😂 She text me this because I took 30 mins to call her back 💀

Twitter: @Pearll_Xo

"We'll see if you have a mom tomorrow because this one is dying."

3. This mom who always has her eyes peeled:

About an hour before our 5 pm newscast today, my mom texts me a picture of an owl in our backyard saying, “watching you.” Casually threatening messages are a regular part of life with a Colombian mother.

Twitter: @AlexisRivasNBC

4. This mom who said what she needed to say, language barrier and all:

No one: Mexican moms trying to text in English: (Goodnight I love you my daughter beautiful) 😂 love my momma lmao

Twitter: @brenduuuh9

5. This mom who couldn't believe a facial costs as much as it does:

My friend sent me a screen shot of a convo between her & her mom & im havent been able to stop giggling. She said "when your moms salvi af"😭

Twitter: @_jojo21_

"The facial place is closed. The other places are more expensive, like $130 a facial."

"Goddamnit, are they going to put new faces on us or what?"

6. This mom who got to the point:

when i make a snide comment to my mom she says "well this is what i think of you" and texts me a pic of my dog's butt

Twitter: @bi_salvi

7. This mom who is in need of constant contact:

#growingupcuban when ur mom texts are Cuban asf. She meant "let's go right now" 😂

Twitter: @yaneisy1
No tienes carga or que carajo pasa
Ya vienes Ya vienes
"Se va a quedar en la casa con nosotros"; "Les good Ray nao"
Te estoy llamando Helloooo Helloooo

8. This mom who told people to work way before Kim Kardashian did:

Twitter: @melidactyl
Text in Spanish translated below

9. This mom who was busy, but not too busy to call:

this is what it's like when your latina mom tries to text im so done

Twitter: @CatScrivner

10. This mom who said, "IT'S TOO LATE":

Daaamn I f***ed it up hahaha https://t.co/i6w1YTx2fD

Twitter: @_pinavelasco

"Happy Mexican Mother's Day Mom!"

"Thank you, but it was yesterday. I'll see you tomorrow."

11. This mom who should go into graphic design:

I think my Mom made this Thanksgiving greeting to text me and it feels kinda goth and awkward...she's 84. And adorable. #Thanksgiving2020

Twitter: @Latina_Schatje

12. This mom who made a simple mistake:

nunca vengo al HEB con mi mama pero cuando vengo esto pasa

Twitter: @cecyransom
Text in Spanish translated below

13. This mom who redefined barbecue sauce and at least gave it her best shot:

Lmfaooo my mother meant to say “barbecue”

Twitter: @GDiorr

14. This mom who went from 0 to 100:

Mi mami es la más sentida del 🌍 jaja

Twitter: @prisleon1

"I'm at my friend's house, she invited me to have breakfast."

"Oh girl, you love to go out, who did you go out with?

Invite your brother to eat, how is it possible that you two don't get together?

At least today since you don't have classes.

Well girl, now you don't reply to me — you don't love me anymore? You don't even take a moment to talk with me."

15. This mom whose mind immediately went to witches, which is fair:

Accidentally ran over a chicken at my parents house. The chicken ended up being fine but this text from my mom had me dying. #mexicanmom #thingsmexicanparentssay #Mexican

Twitter: @fafafoobie

16. This mom who got tricked:

Mexican mom life hack: if you’re ever out “late” and your mom texts you asking where you are, say you’re at an open late grocery store and ask if she wants anything. I called my mom and said she wanted milk and cookies. When I got home she wasn’t mad cause I got her ,her things🥳

Twitter: @sffrijol

"What are you doing at 10 p.m., if you're not working?"

"I'm at Foods Co.

You want anything?"

17. This mom who covered her bases an hour early:

Twitter: @MinetteDianella
Donde estas Ya van a ser las 2
1:05 AM

18. This mom who won't let you forget Lent:

You’re know you’re Hispanic when your mom sends you a text like this.

Twitter: @yazii__
Text message: Hola hijo cómo estás? Hoy no se come carne  De ninguna, es miércoles de ceniza y que vas a dejar

19. This mom who doubles as a stern stylist:

You know you're Hispanic when your mom hits you with this text 😂👌🏼

Twitter: @isamaru_

"I bought you this jacket to keep yourself warm, damn it, and don't tell me you don't like it because it's North Face, and it covers well."

20. This mom who was making a suggestion without making a suggestion:

21. This mom who was just looking out for her kid:

Being Hispanic is your mom sending you texts about plátano sales

Twitter: @kendryosorno
Text with a photo of plátanos and "Plátanos 62 cents each Súper green"

22. This mom who wanted a little drama with her cafecito:

cuban moms b so dramatic sometimes,, girl why are you sending me this with my buenos días text i’m scared 😭😭

Twitter: @ttolerantleft

23. And finally, this mom who proves that we will always be their "baby":

My last final for the semester is tomorrow but this is how my mom texts me before every test. Hispanic moms WILL ALWAYS baby you no matter how old you are💀💀

Twitter: @J_Saenz8
Suerte mañana mi rey, mis mejores vibras mi chiquito bebe