17 Cats Who Are Either Plotting A Murder Or World Domination

    Every cat is just watching...waiting...

    1. This cat who apparently wasn't into their owner's new S.O.:

    2. Same with this cat, who looks eerily similar:

    I think my gf's cats going to kill me 😅

    3. This cat who was caught red-handed:

    4. These cats who mastered the art of intimidation:

    @_ragana_ @tfishwick1967 @juicyjxmin @stluis_htx @saladt0sser I woke up from a nap once with my cats plotting to kill me....

    5. This cat whose plans were foiled:

    6. This cat who wanted you to know that your time is coming:

    7. And then this same cat who tried to go rogue:

    8. These cats who said, "Yeah, I'm kinda sick of him too, let's just do it already":

    9. This cat who will one day make their owner pay for being disrespectful:

    i yelled at my cat... and now she's just sitting there plotting my murder

    10. These cats who refused to welcome a new pet into the family:

    11. This cat who was smart enough to catch their prey in their most vulnerable state:

    12. This cat who lost her Christmas spirit:

    13. This cat who used dramatic lighting in the best way possible:

    I think my cat is plotting to kill me 😨

    14. This cat who will always be one step behind you:

    15. This cat who is wary, but creating the most diabolical scheme:

    16. This cat who probably just wanted to be left alone:

    17. And finally, this cat who will one day own the Earth:

    H/T: r/aww