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27 Photos That Prove Translating Is Not A Job To Be Taken Lightly

I won't be ordering the "chicharrones de polio" anytime soon.

1. This translation that just feels offensive:

2. This sign that somehow made it this far:

3. These chicharrones that are about to start another pandemic:

4. This sign that thought it was really hitting the mark:

"Por favor lave todo papel higienico" = "Please wash all toilet paper."

5. This sign that didn't even bother trying:

This is my office's attempt to say something in Spanish. #fail #ignorance

Twitter: @LoHollis

6. These paper towels that apparently have multiple uses:

Okay, I need help from all the Spanish speakers on my TL: Please tell me I'm not reading this wrong...cuz really #EPIC #TRANSLATION #FAIL

Twitter: @flowermiko

"Toallas higiénicas" = "maxi pads."

7. This clothing tag that was apparently made inside a turkey:

"Hecho en Pavo" #MastersOfTranslation 🌐 📩 @etfelicitofill

Twitter: @MastersOfNaming

"Pavo" is Spanish for "turkey" — the animal, not the country. Turkey the country is "Turquía."

8. This typo that proves a tilde is much more vital than you think:

"Ano" = "anus."

"Año" = "year."

9. Same goes for this unfortunate mistake:

Thank you @AdvanceAuto, but I have no need free gasoline for a year from an "anus". #SpanishFail

Twitter: @SAndion

This reads, "Win free gasoline for one anus," but it should be "Win free gasoline for one year."

Gane gasolina gratis por un ano (with "ano" circled)

10. This sign that assumes adding an "o" to a word makes it Spanish:

11. This sign that followed the same logic:

Twitter: @Henac

They used "polo" as in "North Pole," as opposed to "poste" or "palo," which means "pole" in the correct context.

12. This sign that came up with its own word:

13. This sign that is not "also in Spanish":

14. Same goes for this sign:

15. This game that apparently doubles as a fertility app:

How do you say "Play Now! Free!" In Spanish?? I dunno dude just google translate it.. #fail #spanishfail #google

Twitter: @_Sebastian_

"Reproducir ahora" = "reproduce now."

16. This clothing tag that is a bona fide chulo:

Un clásico de las traducciones surrealistas: "Mano se lava, no blanquear no caiga, hierro chulo". #traducción #FAIL

Twitter: @DiegoJParra

Its word-for-word translation is "Hand is washing, no whitening no falling, iron cute."

17. This airport sign that gave up at the last minute:

@LGAairport your Spanish translations need help. Seriously. Happy to make recommendations. #translationfail

Twitter: @equispe

18. Meanwhile, this sign gave up halfway through:

Twitter: @UofLTranslation

19. This warning that was made by smashing a keyboard:

—¿De qué trabajas? —Soy traductora. —¿Para qué si ya está el traductor de Google y otros traductores automáticos? —Ajá, por supuesto. #translationfail

Twitter: @E_Bujakiewicz

This one is too much of a mess for me to even translate.

20. This translation mistake even Google wouldn't make:

When you can’t afford a professional translator 🤦🏽‍♀️ #traductor #translator #badtranslation

Twitter: @JenniInterprete

It should be "Prohibido nadar."

21. This menu that's got mud on the brain:

22. This sign of affection that may just have been mixing in some Spanglish:

23. This sign that I'm pretty sure wasn't corporate-approved:

24. This birthday card that could have been organized a bit differently:

25. This road that is...a lot:

26. This sign that was put together in less than 10 seconds:

Aside from just sounding fragmented, "employeados" is not a word.

27. And finally, these ironic misspellings: