17 Coworkers Who Are — And I Can't Stress This Enough — Monsters

    These are all grounds for firing.

    1. This coworker who returned this stapler to the front desk and said it was out of staples:

    2. These coworkers who haven't been cleaning their hands before using the oven mitts at a bakery:

    3. These coworkers who couldn't seem to be bothered to put their cigarettes in a container two inches from where they dropped 'em:

    4. This coworker who apparently thrives on chaos:

    5. This coworker who allowed their phone cord to get to this point:

    6. This coworker who thought this was an acceptable way to mop the floor:

    7. This coworker who kept throwing out half-used receipt rolls because they didn't like when the receipts got "curly":

    8. These coworkers who have apparently never a parked a day in their life:

    9. These coworkers whose laziness has transformed into a structural masterpiece:

    10. This coworker who took the trash bin and didn't put it back in:

    11. This coworker who was asked to hole punch a 50-page document so that it could go into a binder:

    12. This coworker who cut a piece out of every single donut:

    13. This coworker who opened a communal bread bag like the monster they are:

    14. These coworkers who decided to celebrate a colleague's birthday by destroying their cake:

    15. This coworker who apparently ALWAYS leaves the spoon like this:

    16. These coworkers who thought it'd be real funny if they switched around the keys on their colleague's keyboard:

    17. And fnally, this coworker who mixed M&M's and Skittles together:

    H/T r/mildlyinfuriating