11 Bulletproof Ways To Get Through Diet Season

    I don’t know who this ‘master’ is, but he can naff off with his ‘cleanse’.

    Welp, here we are in January.

    1. Don't fall for this.

    2. Remember this stuff?

    3. Don’t choose liqueur chocolates as a breakfast item.

    4. Don't fall for this, either.

    5. Remember this stuff?

    6. Avoid anyone who uses the word ‘juice’ as a verb.

    7. Don't fall for this.

    8. Don’t trust seasonal yoghurt adverts with their oblique guarantees to banish your 'sluggishness'.

    Seriously, what is that meant to be? A tattoo?

    9. Don't fall for this.

    10. In fact, run away from anyone who mentions any type of cleanse.

    11. Remember these?

    You can have them in a sausage casserole.

    Or a pie.

    12. And the best part? Guess what counts as one of your five helpings of fruits and vegetables a day?

    Hooray for diet season!