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    17 Problems Anxious Drivers Know All Too Well

    Jesus, PLEASE take the wheel.

    1. Driving is not fun. It's a serious matter.

    2. As much as you want to roll up, looking smooth...

    You just can't because driving is way too stressful.

    3. Your nervous sweating kicks in.

    4. You don't even realize how tight your grip is on the steering wheel.

    5. You frequently talk to yourself, either to calm down or to commentate on everyone else's driving.

    6. You avoid highways whenever possible, but know they are a necessary evil.

    7. Your nightmare driving situation involves big, scary, trucks that look like they want to eat you and your car whole.

    8. You can't stand the people who speed just for the sake of speeding.

    9. Driving at night complicates everything.

    10. You constantly fear that you won't be able to get over in time for your exit.

    11. You can't fathom life without a GPS.

    12. Nothing stresses you out more than driving in an unfamiliar area.

    13. Except maybe driving in bad weather.

    14. You've thought about your escape plan in case you manage to drive off a bridge and into a lake.

    15. How about that time you were all confident and flipped someone the bird after they cut you off.

    But then they were like:

    So you were like:

    16. Parking? Ugh.

    17. Anytime you hear a siren your stomach drops.

    But then it turns out it's just that rap song again.

    You know what though? You may be an anxious driver, but most likely you're a damn good one.