

Having worked online since 1999, Tina Forsyth is a ‘jill of all trades’ when it comes to creating leveraged revenue streams, establishing key systems and building virtual teams to help your business thrive. She is the author of The Entrepreneur’s Trap (available on Amazon) and creator of the Automate Your Growth™ Formula where she teaches entrepreneurs her proven step-by-step process to set a strong foundation for business growth. Tina also founded the International Association of Online Business Managers and is the creator of the Certified OBM™ Training– the only program of it’s kind to train high-end virtual managers. As an entrepreneur and recovering control-freak, Tina is passionate about sharing her experience and helping other entrepreneurs setup the right systems, team and leveraged revenue streams that allow them to stop working so darn hard and have a business that can run without them. (woo hoo!) Grab her free report: 100+Ways an Online Business Manager Can Help Boost Biz here:

Jul 2013
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