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    A Five Year Old Transplant Survivor's Inspirational Message

    A brave Australian boy's heartwarming video to a fellow kidney transplant patient. In other news: the Buzzfeed office is out of tissues.

    This is Jack!

    At the age of 3 Jack was suddenly diagnosed with kidney failure.

    For over a year Jack was hooked up to machines until he successfully received his transplant.

    This year he celebrated his fifth birthday!

    Jack heard that Matthew "Moo Moo" Pietrzyk (age 7) is looking for a kidney.

    So he sent him this moving message:

    View this video on YouTube

    In it Jack gives Matthew some great advice about... not giving up.

    Not losing hope.

    Making the most of your life.

    How to comfort your loved ones.

    And that someone is always thinking of you.

    You know Jack did!