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    14 #MyGrandmaAlways Tweets About Food

    Grandmas love all things food.

    1. This grandma who enjoys feeding her grandson the usual fair foods.

    #MyGrandmaAlways feeds me too much fried food lol

    Can you say fried dough, chicken 'n' waffles, and donuts?! 'Cause I can.

    2. And if she isn't the one feeding you, she wants someone else to.

    #MyGrandmaAlways reminds me to "marry a nice Italian girl that can cook"

    3. This grandma who had the most common grandma question of all time.

    4. This grandma who enjoyed a good joke.

    #MyGrandmaAlways wondered where the beef was

    5. This truth bomb that was dropped.

    #MyGrandmaAlways wants me to eat, even when I'm not hungry

    6. This grandma had a game plan and stuck to it.

    #MyGrandmaAlways cooked the same ol' stuff for a reason. Anything more was just...too much trouble.

    Stick with what works.

    7. This sweet and adorable reminder of how great this grandma was.

    #MyGrandmaAlways made the best homemade biscuits, miss them and her💗

    8. This grandma who is the best kind of witch.

    #MyGrandmaAlways makes the best chicken noodle soup. It can cure a cold, the flu and even zika.

    9. This grandma who was a freaking genius.

    #MyGrandmaAlways kept chinachicken on her stove shelf so when late arriving guests came she'd assure them, "stay for dinner a chicken's on"

    10. This grandma who has hands of steel.

    #MyGrandmaAlways can flip extremely hot tortillas and not feel it

    11. This grandma who tried to be cool, but failed miserably with her choice of snack.

    #MyGrandmaAlways would have fig newtons on hand 24/7.

    12. This grandma who wanted to share the sweeter things in life with the ones she loved.

    #MyGrandmaAlways let me lick the spoon from the cake batter.

    That is LOVE.

    13. This grandma who had the whole Italian thing down.

    #MyGrandmaAlways made more than enough meatballs for my brothers and I

    14. Lastly, this grandma who was the real MVP.

    #MyGrandmaAlways made me cinnamon toast whenever I visited.