

Oliver is a yorkshire based marketer, with a passion for business, creativity and sonic the hedgehog. “My family background has always been in marketing so it was no surprise that’s where I wanted to end up. I remember distinctly doing various bits of work experience and seeing that there tended to be marketing teams that came up with ideas, and other people who actually made them reality. I wanted to do both.” Oliver worked alongside charities and public sector organisations creating content before setting up on his own. “They say strength is forged through adversity and that can’t be more true of my story. Back when I started being self employed I needed a way to pay the mortgage and look after his my mum. Failure was not an option and I toiled away on a second hand laptop, wrapped in a blanket because we couldn’t afford heating. The simple fact was that very client was crucial. Every project was precious, and that is the philosophy that still holds true today. Marketing for me is about more than raising awareness, its about delivering clear sales results.” Oliver firmly believes that if you treat people as you’d like to be treated, share your knowledge and deliver a great service people will come back for more! “I’m passionate about all things business and in particular encouraging and guiding young entrepreneurs such as myself.”

Jan 2017
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