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20 Truths About Your First NYC Apartment

It’s hard to accept the shortcomings of the apartment you fell in love with and spent months trying to find. And it’s probably even tougher to keep it clean. But lucky for you, when your apartment woes are tough, Dawn, and Tide are tougher. #NYTough

1. Your friends said you were lucky to have a washer and dryer in your building, but you knew it really wasn't like that.

2. You spent more time cleaning dishes that weren't your own than you did doing anything else:

3. At least one piece of furniture got stuck in the stairwell:

4. You had all the counter space in the world!

5. You constantly got mail that wasn't for you:

6. You could not get your landlord or super on the phone, no matter how many emails/calls/texts you sent:

7. And when he did come by, he told you the problem was your fault:

8. You had no view of any kind whatsoever:

9. Except for the absolutely beautiful view from your roof, but it was off-limits

10. There was weird tiling everywhere:

11. And your bathroom floor was tiled in some sort of "basketweave":

12. Your apartment usually smelled like garbage because the windows faced the alley where all the building's garbage was kept.

13. You had a more intimate relationship with your neighbors than you wanted:

14. "Hot" meant cold, and "cold" meant "hot":

15. You could never quite get rid of these guys:

16. The inside of your fridge was the cleanest spot in the whole place:

17. You posted pictures of one of these to Instagram:

18. You got used to people mistakenly buzzing your apartment when you weren't expecting anyone:

19. You were constantly aware that your rent was going to go up, and you couldn't do anything about it:

20. And this was your neighbor's "welcome mat":

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