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13 Smells That Every New Yorker Is Way Too Familiar With

Are New Yorkers noseblind to their own city smells? Inconceivable! Hot smells in the city are tough. Febreze and Secret are tougher. #NYTough

1. Mysterious odor left behind by the previous renter.

2. Body. Odor. Everywhere.

3. Hot trash on a boiling summer day.

4. Takeout food.

5. Dive bar bathrooms.

6. Your dog's potty pad.

7. Your apartment the day after a house party.

8. Street meat.

9. Ammonia used to clean the subway station platforms.

10. Most cabs after 10 p.m. on a Saturday.

11. Your neighbor's incense.

12. Horses in Central Park.

13. YOU. After a night of sweaty dancing.

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