Laura Benanti Impersonated Melania Trump And I Can't Stop Laughing

    Make America Cite Their Sources Again.

    Melania Trump caught a bunch of shade this week after being accused of plagiarizing Michelle Obama's 2008 DNC speech, and all we can all do is just sip our tea and watch everything unfold, including Laura Benanti's perfect impersonation of her on The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. 🐸☕️

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    Stephen made it clear he didn’t blame Melania directly, but rather her speechwriters, and he was shocked that NO ONE got fired…

    ...*SIPS TEA*

    But Melania had a different agenda and wanted to apologize for her mistake.

    Unfortunately, though, Melania couldn’t be there, so she invited her doppelgänger, Laura Benanti, to fill in for her.

    They look exactly alike.

    And before Laura started, Stephen thought it would be important to make sure that there wouldn't be a part two with this speech.

    And there wasn't...until she started reciting lines from Green Eggs and Ham.

    And The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.

    But Laura insisted that Melania just wanted a break from everyone throwing so much shade at her.

    But the plagiarism just kept happening, and it got to the point where it needed to be stopped.

    Thank you, Laura. You've given us one more reason to love the hell out of you.