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    10 *Brilliant* Actions By The NYC Light Brigade In 2013

    From bridges to building tops, a The NYC Light Brigade burst onto the scene in 2013 has been lighting up the night ever since. It's only been 8 months so far, and we can't wait for 2014!

    1. A message from the largest urban rooftop farm in America

    2. In support of Texas Women standing up for reproductive rights

    3. In DC, on the 50th Anniversary of Martin Luther King's famous speech.

    4. On the anniversary of a tragedy that led to war.

    5. On the night justice failed.

    6. Calling out Big Brother

    7. Blasting corporations on Tax Day

    8. A year after the city was knocked down, but the people stood up.

    9. Creating a climate of change.

    10. Marking a New Era in New York City

    BONUS VIDEO! playing a video game on the side of a building

    The Light Brigade network has spread to over 30 cities, and it's growing! To learn more or to start one in your city, begin here.

    If you want to join forces with the NYC Light Brigade then find us on facebook

    See you in the streets!