19 Wikipedia Pages That'll Make You Say "Fuck, This Place Exists?!"

    Hell exists...no, seriously, it does.

    1. This town named Hell, Michigan

    2. This Mojave phone booth that was literally in the middle of nowhere.

    3. This interstate that's one mile long.

    4. The World's Littlest Skyscraper

    5. This town that has been burning since 1962.

    6. This mansion that's surrounded by water.

    7. The world's smallest park.

    8. This town with a population of one.

    9. This town that's famous for smelling like rotten egg.

    10. This fake town that became a real one.

    11. These roads that play a musical tune.

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    In Lancaster, California and Tijeras, New Mexico, you can drive on a specific part of a road and hear a musical tune, thanks to the "tactile vibration and audible rumbling" as the wheels go over manmade grooves on the asphalt.

    12. This town called North in South Carolina.

    13. This town that's an actual necropolis.

    14. This grave that's in the middle of a parking lot.

    15. This place that's overrun with spiritual healers.

    16. This giant beagle that people can stay in.

    17. This creepy-ass pyramid that's in the middle of nowhere.

    18. This abandoned subway system in Cincinnati.

    19. And finally, this building that's in both the US and Canada.