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26 Photos That Will Make You Way, Way More Upset Than They Should

Probably time to hire a new contractor. H/T /r/MildlyInfuriating.

1. This bench from hell:

2. The artistic alignment of these paper towel dispensers:

3. This bathroom that was designed for people with large arms:

4. This floor tile design flaw:

5. The poor placement of this hand dryer:

6. This column that's not doing its job:

7. This carpet and tiles that are not perfectly lined up.

8. This architectural travesty:

9. And this one too:

10. The person in charge of this sidewalk repair:

11. This godforsaken lunch table bench:

12. Whoever designed this walkway:

13. The way these fluorescents are lined up in this hallway:

14. The directions on this door:

15. This incredibly sloppy door frame:

16. This electrical socket peeping from behind the bed frame:

17. Whoever designed this landscape:

18. These empty holes on the sidewalk with nothing to fill them with:

19. This monstrous tile design on the floor:

20. This doorstop that didn't feel like doing its job:

21. This glitch in the matrix:

22. The way this sink pours water:

23. Whoever designed the placement of these doorknobs:

24. The step that's clearly phoning it in:

25. The world's most inconvenient dishwasher:

26. And finally, these randomly placed lights because ¯\_(ツ)_/¯:

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