25 Tweets That All Men Will Understand

    Life is hard, man.

    1. When you fear shaving because you think this will happen to you:

    2. The fear of being judged based on whether you keep your "chest" button open or closed:

    Sloppy shirts are not cool. Fix yourself. Get Regulated. https://t.co/FsEBSdJZ01 #simplesolutions #manproblems

    3. That moment when you realize you're using a very specific part of a towel to dry off:

    4. When people ask you if you're OK when you're walking weird:

    Omg if only girls knew how annoying it was to walk with these things. #manproblems

    5. When bathroom etiquette goes down the toilet:

    #c'monMan this has to be the worst feeling in the world. #manproblems

    6. When a pair of boxers fails to do its job:

    Had visitors at my my yard today and ive had to be well self consious, coz loose boxers show everything. #ManProblems

    7. When you've discovered a ~new sensation~ and then a parent walked in on you:

    Hahaha every guy older than like 12 knows this is the truth #ManProblems 😂

    8. And your parents shamed you for playing with "it."

    9. When your flirting skills are incredibly off:

    Yeaaaaaa pretty much how it happens #ifunny #Disney #guyproblems

    10. When you finally achieved the impossible but don't know what to do next:

    11. When your S.O. doesn't have time for you to figure it out:

    I just noticed this stuck on my fridge...I think @c_sunnyside might be trying to tell me something? #manproblems

    12. What happens when you finally get into a relationship:

    Totally agree with this #GuyLogic #guyproblems

    13. The ungodly pressure of having to shave downstairs:

    No one has a steadier hand than a man #manproblems #truth

    14. Zippers:

    😂 RT @Jose89: #TedStroehmannn! RT @SoCaL_G21: Damn My D is hurtin after gettin stuck on my zipper lol #ManProblems

    15. When women fail to understand our "size" struggle:

    16. When morality kicks in:

    17. The truth about using the urinal:

    About as an accurate an illustration I've seen. #manproblems #peeshooter

    18. That crucial moment when you just can't hold it in any longer and you feel like you're going to explode:

    I think all us men can relate to this #manproblems

    19. When riding a horse is quite a painful experience:

    🐴 👍 #early #morning #hack #horses #horse #equine #pony #good #fun #bollocks #hurts #now #manproblems #Beautiful #...

    20. The terribly unlucky moment when you're late for work and your razor dies on you:

    Ugh shaver ran out of juice halfway through doing my face #manproblems

    21. The inevitable struggle of going to the pool:

    #GuyProblems: When you're climbing out of the pool in front of people and your swim trunks be all like

    22. When you accidentally "touch" that part in a public restroom:

    #guyproblems : When you "touch" this part of the toilet 😖😷

    23. THAT. STUPID. TENT.:

    #iwokeuplikethis #guyproblems lol.its not really a problem #RT if u get it

    24. The fact that this sign was even made:

    Here is a sign in the VW Werks plant men's room in Wolfsburg, Germany. I guess it really is that hard. #guyproblems

    25. And last but not least...MORNING. WOOD.:

    “@S_Greaves110: Wake up like this every morning #GuyProblems ” same. 😂😉😉