This Video About Latino Gender Roles Will Make You Weep

    "Being a man is about challenging the script that was handed down to us."

    Filmmaker Gloria Morán recently produced "Boys Will Be Boys," a touching video that delivers some real-talk about machismo that's ingrained within Latino households:

    Conejo Productions / Via

    The video was part of a larger multimedia project called "DIS...MISS," created by Los Angeles-based arts organization Freewaves. The video has gone viral and has been shared over 109,000 times.

    The two-minute video features actor Jorge Díaz, who provides the voice-over, reading a letter to his young daughter about the machista household he grew up in.

    He talks about how his father checked his son's masculinity when he caught him trying on his mother's heels.

    He talks about the time his grandmother made all his female cousins set the table and serve the food. When questioned why the boys didn't get to help, she responded that "it wasn't a boy's job."

    The video delves into the inequalities of dating life between Latino men and women. While he was allowed to have girls over without a curfew, his sister didn't get to enjoy the same liberties.

    In the video he continues, "I took a backseat to standing up for my cousins or my sister."

    "Being a man is about challenging the script that was handed down to us. And I especially don't want you, mi hija, to grow up in a world where you're told that, 'Boys, will be boys.'"

    Watch the whole video here: