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23 Embarrassing Equestrian Moments That Are Actually Super Relatable

"Yeah, not the photo I'll be sending into Jumping Clinic."

1. As we have established, equestrian sports take an incredible amount of skill.

2. But even when you're riding at an Olympic level, things don't always go as planned.

3. Maybe your horse is like, "Hey, this looks like a fun thing to actually just walk over."

4. Or, "I would like to place my belly riiiiight here."

5. Or the equally baffling, "I'm just gonna sort of jump the nonexistent side of that."

6. Maybe you find yourself doing The Neck Hug For Dear Life™.

7. *Whispers* "Hey buddy, I love you. You're doing a great job."

8. Or your heart sinks when you realize, in midair, that you've knocked a rail.

9. There it is all smug on the ground, and you're just like, "Don't even talk to me."

10. Or your competition in the jumpoff makes a seemingly impossible inside turn and you're just like, "C'mooooon!"

11. Perhaps you've gotten...

12. ... a little ahead of yourself.

13. Or maybe...

14. ... you've just been...

15. ... left behind.

16. And your horse is like, "This is THE perfect time to play rodeo!"

17. "Yep, yep, yep, NAH."

18. "You know what would be cool? If I just ran straight through this instead of jumping it."

19. "Yeah," you think. "Not the photo I'll be sending into Jumping Clinic."

20. "Oooooohmygod."

21. "Oh shit. I'm falling. In two-point."

22. "I know what would make it even better: if I took the bridle with me."

23. "Ugh, just leave me here."

Happy riding, everybody!