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27 Activities That Have Improved People's Body Image

Psssst — they're not all athletic ones, either.

We asked the BuzzFeed Community to tell us what accessible things helped them to accept their bodies. Here are the activities that worked for them.

1. Switching up Your Look

2. Martial Arts

"It teaches you how powerful you can be, whatever your size or ablility. You discover strength and confidence you would never have believed possible. And as a woman, you learn how to take care of yourself and start walking around with your head held higher, because you know how to really kick ass. Just make sure you find a dojo or class that you feel comfortable in, and an instructor who is patient and kind." — S CA Sievers, Facebook

3. Roller Derby

4. Standup Comedy

"I listen to fellow comics every night laugh about their bodies as a means of taking power over them." — Jason Brent, Facebook

5. Pole Dancing

"I've hit a plateau with my weight, but now I have other fitness markers like strength and flexibility to keep me focused and motivated. I'm constantly achieving a new spin, hold, or move. Everyone in the community is so supportive, too; the emphasis is definitely on having fun, not looking a certain way." — Tristen van den Berg, Facebook

6. Weightlifting

7. Writing Yourself a Letter

"I had an eating disorder for over ten years, and at 21 ended up in a treatment center fighting for my life. My huge 'Aha!' moment there was when I wrote a letter to my body, and had my body write a letter back. In those letters I realized that I had been punishing my body for the one thing it was created to do: survive. To this day, whenever I struggle with my body image, I read those letters." — Alyee Willets, Facebook

8. Swimming

"I joined a swim team at age12, which helped me to see my body as a strong, capable tool. My awkward middle school (and later high school) years were full of training and racing, and my confidence grew leaps and bounds! I look forward to many more years of loving my body for what it can do for me, instead of abhorring it for not fitting exact social constructs." — RMW1007

9. Learning to do Makeup

10. Zumba

"Zumba is where I learned to appreciate that even if my body wasn't perfect, it could move and dance with so much passion and energy. I am so appreciative of that." — Brieanna Romero

11. Getting Tattooed

"I was self-conscious about the acne on my shoulders, to the point where I wouldn't wear tank tops in the summer. So, I got a tattoo there! I still have some acne on my shoulders, but I'm much more comfortable with it now because my tattoo makes me love them." — EllaJD

12. Yoga

13. Having Sex

"Once I started doing it, I realized people don't really care about your 'flaws.' It made me realize for once that I could completely relax and do something fun without worrying about my body." — Melissa Williams, Facebook

14. (By Yourself)

"Around 13 or 14 I discovered masturbation, which opened my eyes to how beautiful and strong my body is. I believe an intimate sex life with yourself is a great thing for your self-esteem." — Bailey Jane Borchardt, Facebook

15. Joining a Workout Group

16. Cheerleading

"It has made me feel so much more confident in my own skin. I'm plus-size, but I'm also strong — I spend two days a week tossing my flyer around like she weighs nothing! When I put on my uniform, it doesn't matter that my stomach isn't flat or that I've got huge thighs; I am a kickass cheerleader and I am awesome." — 20s0mething

17. Dry Brushing

"I brush my entire body with a special skin brush, which has helped me connect with and care for every part of myself. I do it before showering, and it helps me check in with my body and what I may be feeling bad about. It's really therapeutic." — phoebeg45f20d69b

18. Hula Hooping

19. Going Commando

"When I lived alone, I'd spend a lot of time naked. At first I really disliked what I saw, but eventually, I began to just accept it. My belly isn't good or bad; it's just there. My feet don't look stupid; they're just feet. Seeing the parts of me that I'd been working to hide all the time made me feel a lot less dissatisfied with how I look, in and out of clothes." — Jacqueline Lee, Facebook

20. Belly Dancing

"Almost three years ago, I started taking a belly dancing class as a fun way to work out. I just wanted to exercise, but we ended up dancing at art festivals, nursing homes and libraries, too!" — Dikatdancer

21. Hiking

22. CrossFit

"I started five months ago, and it has changed my life. I've started to love my body not because it has changed much physically, but because it's constantly showing me what it's capable of. I couldn't jog 400m when I started, but yesterday I managed 5km. I was so happy that I cried! My trainers and friends there are so supportive, too. I still have a long way to go, but I finally feel like I don't have to do it alone." — Sue Thought, Facebook

23. Drawing

24. (Especially Figure Drawing)

"I started puberty early, which made me feel much bigger than my peers, and subsequently inadequate. I was unhappy with my body until I was 18, when I attended my first nude figure drawing class and saw bodies of various ages, weights, and shapes. All of the women who stood naked in that crowded room with nothing to hide taught me about body positivity, without ever saying a single word. They'll never know what they have done for me, but I'll always be grateful to them." — tessmarie

25. Running

26. Rugby

"Women's rugby attracts women of all ethnicities, sexualities, and gender identities, so there is a true sense of acceptance and openness you can't find anywhere else. I have been overweight and not athletic for most of my life, but someone with any body type or level of athleticism can play as long as they're willing to work hard at it. It truly is a team sport, and it made me realize how strong I was." — r45d940aec

27. Playing the Violin (or Whatever Makes You Happy)

Note: Submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.

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Body Positivity Week is a week of content devoted to exploring and celebrating our complicated relationships with our bodies. Check out more great Body Positivity Week content here.