29 TV Show Couples People Loved, But Ultimately Grew To Hate

    "I was obsessed with Aria and Ezra from Pretty Little Liars, but looking back Ezra had a pattern of being creepy!"

    We recently asked the BuzzFeed Community to tell us which TV couples they loved, but now kind of hate. Here are some of those OTPs:

    1. Pam and Jim from The Office

    2. Meredith and Derek from Grey's Anatomy

    3. Ezra and Aria from Pretty Little Liars

    4. Rory and Dean from Gilmore Girls

    5. Ross and Rachel from Friends

    6. Ted and Robin from How I Met Your Mother

    7. Dan and Serena from Gossip Girl

    8. Damon and Elena from The Vampire Diaries

    9. Cory and Topanga from Boy Meets World

    10. Owen and Cristina from Grey's Anatomy

    11. Ryan and Marissa from The O.C.

    12. Clarke and Lexa from The 100

    13. Veronica and Archie from Riverdale

    14. Barney and Robin from How I Met Your Mother

    15. Kelso and Jackie from That '70s Show

    16. Buffy and Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer

    17. Chandler and Monica from Friends

    18. Chuck and Blair from Gossip Girl

    19. Carrie and Mr. Big from Sex and the City

    20. Lucas and Peyton from One Tree Hill

    21. Rory and Jess from Gilmore Girls

    22. Jane and Rafael from Jane the Virgin

    23. Izzy and Alex from Grey's Anatomy

    24. Rumple and Belle from Once Upon a Time

    25. Izzie and Denny from Grey's Anatomy

    26. J.D. and Elliot from Scrubs

    27. Veronica and Logan from Veronica Mars

    28. Oliver and Felicity from Arrow

    29. Joey and Dawson from Dawson's Creek

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    Note: Submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.