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    "I've Been Shot!" What Happens Next Is Pretty Amazing

    Because shootings happen every day in the United States, the medical community led by trauma surgeons coordinates a complex system to treat severely injured patients. If you or a loved one has been shot, expect a lot to happen.

    Emergency Medical Services

    The ABCs of trauma

    Intubation and Vascular Access

    The Level One Rapid Infuser

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    Medical Equipment Management / Via

    An essential piece of equipment when someone is bleeding extensively from a gunshot wound, the Level One Rapid Infuser can pump up to a liter of fluid a minute. That means that it could potentially replace all your blood in five minutes. But let's hope that's not necessary.

    The Trauma Surgery Team

    Insertion of a Chest Tube


    The FAST Exam

    CT Scans

    The ER Thoracotomy/Laparotomy

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    Famous on shows like ER, an operation done in the emergency room or trauma bay is a heroic measure to attempt to save the sickest patients who are too unstable to get to the operating room.

    The classic indication for this operation is a gunshot to the heart. The goal would be to open the chest as fast as possible, repair the hole in the heart and restart the heart before the patient runs out of blood.

    These types of operations have a drastically-low survival rate, but they are sometimes the only way to stabilize dying patients. VIDEO NSFW.

    Emergency Operation

    Massive Transfusion Protocol

    Surgical Critical Care

    Mechanical Ventilation and Renal Replacement Therapy


    Tube Feeding and Total Parenteral Nutrition

    Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

    It Takes A Village...