21 Feelings You Experience When Your Fave Band Member Gets A Girlfriend

    She's infringing on your imaginary territory.

    1. Suspecting your fave is stepping out on you when he's snapped with another girl.

    2. Compulsively checking his tagged pictures to see if he pops up on her Instagram.

    3. Crying in horror when you finally see her appear on HIS Instagram!

    4. Obsessively stalking social media to determine whether or not they're actually a couple.

    5. Feeling betrayed by your band bae when the tabloids confirm the relationship is official.

    6. Wondering whether every new lyric with the word "she" is about her.

    7. Subtweeting your advice and thoughts about their relationship.

    8. Imagining their impossibly cute life together.

    9. Removing her from that life and envisioning yourself in her place instead.

    Sleeping next to a cardboard cutout of him is a little uncomfortable, but you're a dedicated pretend-girlfriend.

    10. Envying their magical moments.

    11. Sobbing over their adorable vacation photos.

    12. Leaving passive-aggressive comments on her photos of him.

    13. Printing out their Instagram pics and setting them ablaze in a ritual bonfire.

    14. Seething when you see this fame-hungry chick embedding herself in their music videos.

    15. Carefully plotting her demise.

    16. Writing fanfic about their eventual breakup.

    17. Restraining the urge to vomit at the sight of their love-dovey videos.


    She's making him get up and come to her? How selfish. You'd never be that heartless.

    18. Hardcore judging every single one of her outfits.

    19. Then trying really hard to emulate her style.

    20. Realizing that she's actually pretty cool.

    21. And finally, acceptance... until the cycle repeats with your next favorite band member.