21 Times Teachers Gave The Best Advice

    "Keep learning."

    We recently asked members of the BuzzFeed Community to tell us what the most important thing a teacher ever taught them was. Here is that wisdom.

    1. "Don't be afraid to make a mistake. Try so loudly that the person sitting in the back of the auditorium can hear you – it's the only way you'll learn."

    2. "You're not crazy, you're human... There is no such thing as a normal person."

    3. "She told us to make every second we live count and always try our hardest because sometimes in life we aren't given second chances."

    4. "You get nothing for just trying."

    5. "If you don't know how to deliver your message and show people you cared about it, they will never get the right message."

    6. "Arrive early for anything important."

    7. "If you have something to say, share it clearly and with everyone."

    8. "It doesn't matter what college you go to; you make the school, the school doesn't make you."

    9. "If you think you are going to get through your entire education without ever failing or getting a bad grade, you're wrong."

    10. "Nobody has your mind or your creativity. Your individual creativity is what makes you an asset."

    11. "Stop trying to compete with people, it dulls your light."

    12. "When you feel like everything is slipping you need to tell someone. You don't have to go through it alone."

    13. "It's perfectly fine not to know the answer to everything."

    14. "No matter what you're doing put your whole-hearted effort into it."

    15. "... Reading can help you live a thousand lives, even from your small corner of the world."

    16. "Failure isn't fatal, and learning from your mistakes and refining your technique is how you grow in life."

    17. "Music is a universal language and... when words fail, music speaks and can move mountains."

    18. "In the real world no one expects you to know the answer off the top of your head..."

    19. "Remember the score you get doesn't control your entire life."

    20. "I learned to never apologize for interests and hobbies no matter how many people initially tell you it's weird."

    21. "Keep learning."

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