
Nikki M.

If you're reading this, it is obvious that you have no life. I'm a huge dork and that can't be helped. I'm also a bit of a geekophile and kinda shy to boot. I'm too busy with working at Rush, working out, working in theater, or sleeping to take the holiday tree down in my living room. I like to keep myself active socially and traveling: doing stuff in the city, out in the middle of nowhere, and everywhere in-between. I like online comics, books, hiking, theater, movies, and video games, among many other things. When meeting people in person, I'm pretty shy and online I get to express myself a little more clearly. I feel normal lately, but I don't think I am. So if I seem a bit torn it's because I'm in the middle of a personal identity fluctuation. On a typical Friday night, I'm doing one of three things: hanging out with a couple of my closest friends, working up at Quest, or enjoying some pizza and watching a movie at home.

Sep 2009
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