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    Everything You Need To Know About Becoming A Writer

    Finding a job in editorial ain't all that easy. Here's the initial stages that only us writers can understand...

    So you're a writer...

    And you're pretty gosh darn great at it.

    You decide to go college and make a real career out of it.

    Getting closer to the end of school you realized how competitive the industry was...

    So you start interning like a mad individual...

    You quickly realize you'll be working for nothing...

    BUT you learn everything from social media tactics to SEO writing

    Which makes it well worth it..

    Then you land the one internship that you're crazy proud of...

    But you still write for other platforms to stay ahead of the competition..

    So you submit articles on the side to beef up your resume...

    And your friends are like...

    Soon graduation is near and your internship will be over

    Then you dive into big city interviews trying to find the perfect job

    You wait for what feels like forever for an answer

    Some doors will slam in your face.

    You take it like the mature, reasonable adult that you are.

    But it won't ever stop you..

    The obvious reason?

    Then after all your patience...

    You land a job at a sweet publication...

    And for that one moment...

    Everything is perfect :-)