

I'm a nineteen year-old cashier at Parker's Ace Hardware. I'm in Limbo right now trying to figure out what I want to do with my life. I have a brother and a sister, Andrew and Ruby, respectively. They live with my grandparents and mother. I spend the majority of my time working, but when I'm not at the store, I can be found with my posse. We normally spend our time gaming, terrorizing Wal-Mart, or driving around aimlessly. Not to mention all the epic nerdness we indulge in. I was born in Georgia, lived in Minnesota, Wyoming, and now Michigan. My life may have slowed down, but that's a good thing. It's really rough to up and move over and over again. I've made some great friends over the years, and I'm sure a few enemies...but hey that's life and you have to take it in stride. So peace and love to all of my family, I love you all.

May 2011
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