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    We Should Stop Holiday Shaming Valentine's Day

    Disclaimer: I am single.

    Is it just me or does it seem like every year when February 1st rolls around people start to get a gloomy gray cloud over their heads? We could chalk it up to our impending doom on Groundhog's Day if Punxsutawney Phil says, "6 more weeks of winter," and we have to clean the snow off of our cars every morning for a few more months. But, if I'm going to be completely honest, I don't think the critter is the one to blame.

    The real culprit is that adorable little flying baby himself, Cupid. But why? Why must everyone go up in arms against a holiday that's supposed to be centered around love? In reality, this day gives us all a chance to love and be loved. So why does it fill so many people with hostility and gloom?

    It may be hard to believe, but as a single, independent woman I fully support Valentine's Day. Even as every year that I spend it alone passes by, I still keep the hope alive that one day it could be me sharing a night in or going out on the town with someone I love.

    THIS IS WHERE WE (admittedly, myself included) GO WRONG! Valentine's Day doesn't have to be about a romantic love between you and a partner. We don't need to receive dozens of roses, over-priced stuffed bears and assortments of chocolates (let's be honest- there's nothing worse than a box of chocolates without a map of flavors so you can avoid the disgusting fruit & nut ones). Who says we can't spend the day embracing that self-love power! Have your favorite dessert before you eat dinner! Pamper yourself with a pedicure! Take yourself shopping at your favorite store! All I'm saying is, people have got to start cutting the cute little Baby a little slack.

    We've got to stop beating ourselves up about being "alone" every February 14th. If you know you can't enjoy the holiday by yourself this year, set a goal to work towards it next year. Heck, I love being alone every day of the year, but it took me a while to accept it. Let's be honest with ourselves, who doesn't love watching the shows they want without objection or going to their favorite place for dinner every night? Now that sounds like a good relationship to me.

    I want to wish you all a happy Valentine's Day. Leave a comment below and share with me what you end up doing this weekend. Do not forget to love yourself!