Apparently Australians See The Moon Upside Down And The Internet Is Collectively Losing Its Mind

    Fact: People in the USA see it upside down.

    As a millennial, I've spent a lot of time looking at the moon. From late-night walks listening to indulgent, emotional music after a breakup, to astrology readings about my rising moon sign — the moon and I go way back.

    And as a Brit who moved to Australia, I've stared at the moon from two completely different sides of the world.

    And yet, there's something I never noticed, something that has Reddit losing its mind. Apparently Aussies see the moon upside down.

    Stunned doesn't begin to cover it. This all started when I came across a Reddit post from a user called u/trimdaddyflex

    I recently visited my partner in Australia and it completely blew my mind that the moon looks upside down there.

    Twitter: @KnowIedgepost

    Obviously carnage has ensued, and now people are arguing about who actually sees the moon upside down.

    "I’m so over this Australia on the bottom agenda. We are the top."

    Thankfully, some people aren't here for the drama — they're here for the facts. And there's actually a pretty obvious explanation behind all of this: the Earth is round. So the moon will look different depending on which hemisphere you're looking at it from, duh.

    Twitter: @MichaelGalanin

    Since Earth is round, people living in Australia or Uruguay see the Moon, stars & constellation 'upside down' relative to what we people in the Northern hemisphere are used to.

    Twitter: @astronomy24x7

    Looks like that's been settled...probably.

    Reddit responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.