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    Use Elbow Grease To Get Your Teeth White NOW!!!

    Whiten teeth with natural homemade remedies in your home.

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    Finding ways to address my beauty needs without leaving the house is always an awesomely fun reason for sorting through normal household items and finding ways to use them differently. I will discuss with you my experience to getting whiter teeth. You will need any of the following items to try this natural experiment for yourself.

    Baking Soda


    Hydrogen Peroxide

    Coconut Oil


    Over the last week, I've tried three different techniques for a whiter smile. Before I explain, let me also say I am a big coffee drinking. I consume no less than two cups of black coffee a day. Occasionally I will toss in a hot tea, but that usually during the winter months, like right now. Outside of that I stick to water both sparkling and nonsparkling kinds. So my yellowed teeth, I believe is an intermediate color, and in my opinion could be worse. But more importantly a whole lot better. Anyhow, I changed my weekly routine of over the counter toothpaste and mouthwash, opting for Baking Soda and fresh lemon juice. A mixture I made twice daily, once in the morning and the second at night. The paste was watery and a bit grainy, but it is suggested that the paste have that kind of consistency. It was interesting to watch the baking soda bubble over as I added the lemon juice. I liked my lemon flavored toothpaste and my teeth, and breath felt very clean. Even after the shorter recommended brushing time of one minute, as opposed to the standard two minutes of brushing. I also found that my gums responded better to the lemon/ soda paste with less irritation than its fancier tube brothers in the market today. Overall working far better than my high priced sensitive kind. I would opt to use Baking Soda every day, but its not recommended for long-term care. As it can wear away the enamel as it can be very abrasive.

    Next, I found myself rinsing with Hydrogen Peroxide. Which is great for whitening and cleaning the teeth and breath from yucky germs. A simple solution of one part (1 ts) off Hydrogen Peroxide with two parts (2 ts) water. Swoosh around in your mouth for a minute or so the spit. Follow up with a thorough brushing afterward with normal cleaning tools. Lastly, I discovered "Pulling" is an ancient technique use for cleaning the mouth of bacteria that cause decay. Using a teaspoon, scoop the congealed or liquified Coconut oil, placing it in the mouth then "Pulling" the oil back and forth, between your teeth, never swallowing. Pulling was a more challenging routine to adapt to as it required fifteen minutes of pulling. I found the texture of "hard" coconut oil to be kind of weird and would sometimes cause me to gag. Many times I found myself wanting to burst into laughter, spewing oil everywhere, definitely not a good idea. Also, my mouth became tired after just a few minutes of Pulling. I imagine like most exercises I wold have to strengthen those muscles to become an expert Puller. But it is a routine that can be done daily, which is awesome. Another bonus was the relief of tooth and mouth pain I was experiencing as I was in the midst of having a lonely old wisdom tooth removed. Overall I find that these techniques were successful and will continue to include them into my dental hygiene routine. As for my whiter smile, well I couldn't be happier as it is getting whiter every day.



    Dr. Oz

    Dr. Axe

    Music by: Tove Lo - Got Love

    Photography by: instagram.comTheFitFamilyLife