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    Maggie Hassan: Hard At Work Or Hardly Working?

    In this morning's Nashua Telegraph, Kevin Landrigan reported on Governor Maggie Hassan's failure to do a basic requirement of her job - sign bills into law. "Into the long July Fourth weekend, there were an estimated 150 bills still sitting either with House Speaker Terie Norelli, D-Portsmouth, or Morse." What's the hold up? Hassan's vacation to Turkey! Landrigan writes, "Keep in mind: Hassan surely didn’t want either legislative leader to start running the five-day clock for her to decide on legislation while she was on her weeklong trade mission to Turkey." This left us wondering about what a day in the life of Maggie Hassan is really like...

    So... what are you going to do today, Governor?

    Does that include reminiscing about your taxpayer-funded vacation to Turkey?

    Daydream about your future political aspirations?

    What about planning campaign fundraisers with Beltway heavyweights?

    You do know, you have an actual job, right?

    Part of your job is to sign bills into law

    And you really loved signing that gas tax into law...

    Okay anyway, are you going to get our state budget back on track?

    Are you going to help New Hampshire families struggling to make ends meet because of your tax-and-spend policies?

    We just have one last question for you....