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    Times These Rats Were Just Too Damn Cute

    Time for another round of "rats are not stinky, evil, and ugly". These guys will steal your heart as quickly as they steal Cheerios out of my cereal bowl.

    Lola, who just wants to wish you a Happy Valentine's Day.

    Or Neptune, who just wants to hang out in this tree.

    And Sam who isn't sure if she's going to let you in her favourite clubhouse.

    And Lola and Thyme who like to play peek-a-boo

    When these four decided to make a cuddle puddle

    When Salt wanted to wish everyone a Happy Easter

    When Titi tried to get into construction

    When these four stuck close together for their photo

    When these best buds chilled in their fort.

    When Lulu put up with wearing this stupid hat for Halloween

    When Rosemary & Thyme were a little camera shy

    When Salt & Pepper became spokesrats