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This Is What Happens When A Couple Gets Handcuffed To Each Other For A Day


Have you ever heard the phrase the "old ball and chain?" Well, can you imagine what it would be like if you were ACTUALLY chained to your significant other? Ned and Ariel decided to find out!

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The rules for the 24-hour time span were simple:

The first night, Ned and Ariel went out with their friends and tensions were already rising.

They ran into their first emergency de-cuffing when they realized they couldn't wiggle out of their clothes while stuck together.

They did have some bonding moments, though.

Buttttttt... sleeping was a real issue. So much so that they had to separate from each other to get those sweet, sweet Zs.

The experiment really started to push boundaries when the two couldn't leave each other when they had to go No. 1.

And when Ned had too much coffee and nature knocked on door No. 2... well, he spared Ariel from the bathroom.

As the 24 hours wore on, it really started to test their patience. While Ned and Ariel love being together, they realized their time apart is just as important.

During a joint dishwashing session, Ned lost his cool, took the handcuffs off, and walked out.

And I'm sure this was just a LITTLE satisfying for Ariel to watch.

Overall, the experiment really tested both Ned and Ariel's patience, but handcuffs or not, nothing's tearing this power couple apart.