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    12 Reasons Why We Need A Law Ending Painful Late Abortions

    Support the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, which would provide nationwide protection to unborn children capable of feeling pain at 20 weeks and older. #theyfeelpain

    1. Unborn children can feel pain by 20 weeks after fertilization, if not earlier.

    2. Due to the advancement of science, unborn children are now patients.

    3. Doctors and medical professionals confirm that unborn babies have physical reactions to outside stimuli.

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    Dr. Anthony Levatino, former abortionist, describes his experience performing abortions and the pain of the unborn.

    4. In some cases, unborn children have survived being born at 20 weeks fetal age.

    5. We go to great lengths to protect animals from pain. Why not baby humans?

    6. The Gosnell trial and subsequent revelations about other abortionists have shed light on the inherent brutality of late abortions.

    7. The dilation and evacuation (D&E) abortion technique is commonly performed at this stage, which consists of the violent dismemberment of the unborn baby.

    8. 64% of the American public supports legislation to protect unborn babies who can feel pain.

    9. Including 63% of women and 63% of independents.

    10. In June, similar legislation was passed by the U.S. House with bipartisan support by a vote of 228-196.

    11. "This is a debate worthy of a great democracy.” – Sen. Lindsey Graham, the bill’s lead sponsor in the Senate.

    12. We have an obligation to protect the most vulnerable in our society.