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    How Much Do You Know About Housing In 2014?

    Take the National Housing Federation Housing 2014 Quiz to find out

    1. 1. How much does a first time buyer need to be earning to buy an average house in London?

      (Source: National Housing Federation analysis, 2014)

    2. 2. How much did the average house price in London increase between April 2013 and April 2014?

      Clue: It’s more than the average wage of Police Officers, Firefighters, Nurses, Paramedics and Teachers... (Source: National Housing Federation analysis, 2014)

    3. 3. What proportion of households in England live in the private rented sector?

      Clue: it's higher than the proportion in social rented housing for the first time since the early 1960’s. (Source: DCLG, English Housing Survey 2012/13)

    4. 4. According to published data, in the last twelve months 117,000 homes were built in England. But how many new homes do we need each year?

      (Sources: DCLG Housebuilding statistics, Holmans)

    5. 5. The number of children in England living in temporary accommodation at the end of September 2014 was the highest in five years. How many children are we talking about?

      (Source: DCLG Homelessness Statistics)

    6. 6. The proportion of people claiming housing benefit, even though they are in work, has doubled since November 2008. What proportion of people claiming housing benefit are working?

      (Source: DWP Stat-Xplore tool, Nov 2008 – May 2014)

    7. 7. This is the amount contributed to the economy by housing associations’ day-to-day activities

      (Source: CEBR, 2014)

    8. 8. How many people in England think their housing situation will generally improve in the next 10 years?

      (Source: YouGov Polling for National Housing Federation, August 2014)

    9. 9. How many jobs are supported in the UK economy for every new affordable home built?

      (Source: CEBR, 2014)

    10. 10. What proportion of new housing benefit claims made between November 2008 and May 2014 were made by households on middle-incomes (£20,000 to £30,000)?

      (Source: DWP data)