An Astronomer Analyzed The Simpsons' Moon And Discovered That Springfield Might Not Be In America

    It was pointing the wrong way the whole time.

    Some people believe that the Simpsons live in the United States. Turns out they might not be right after all.

    In fact, for 26 years, nobody has ever really revealed the actual location of the Simpsons.

    Astronomer Phil Plait has something to say on the mystery, but what he discovered might come as a bit of a surprise.

    He wrote on his blog Bad Astronomy:

    A scene came up that chilled me to the bone. I was so shocked that I had to rewind and watch it again, then freeze frame it to make sure I wasn't hallucinating. This is the moment that changed everything for me... The Simpsons has been lying to us.

    He analyzed the position of the moon in this scene starring SpaceX CEO Elon Musk.

    But this is what a crescent moon actually looks like in North America.

    This means that Springfield is not even in the United States, but takes place in the Southern Hemisphere where a waxing crescent moon points to the right.

    Do you agree with this theory? Share with us in the comments.