24 Weird American Things That Are Normal Here But That I, A Brit, Find Super Bizarre

    Please stop microwaving your tea.

    Hello! I'm Natasha, and almost two years ago I moved from England to New York City, because it's the concrete jungle where dreams are made of.

    However, no matter how long I stay in this weird and wonderful city, there are still lots of small things about living in the USA that I find utterly bizarre. To name a few:

    1. The bread is super sweet.

    2. Scones are triangular here.

    3. The pharmaceutical adverts are really odd.

    4. Also, there are so many adverts for weight loss.

    5. You can’t buy most alcohol at grocery stores in some places.

    6. The word "lube" is used too freely.

    7. Sales tax is annoyingly not included in the regular price.

    8. The prolific use of ranch sauce is grim.

    9. People are paid to greet you as you walk into a store.

    10. The existence of microwaveable pizza should be a crime.

    11. People are so loud all the time.

    12. Peanut butter and jelly is a common snack, even though it's a truly strange combination.

    13. People say "How are you?" as a greeting and it's super confusing.

    14. Fahrenheit is just a bananas unit of measurement.

    15. People put cream in their coffee.

    16. Americans have different album covers than other places in the world.

    17. People's high school lunches sound inedible.

    18. There are huge gaps in bathroom stalls.

    19. Americans are so sensitive about swearing.

    20. You can't (legally) drink in public in lots of places.

    21. People talk about other countries as if you're from another planet.

    22. Books are super expesnive.

    23. People will microwave a mug to heat up water, rather than using a kettle.

    24. Finally, it's the norm to share a bedroom in college — even though it sounds like a serious invasion of privacy.

    All in all, I still wouldn't live anywhere else. Have you noticed any weird American things? LMK in the comments!