People Replacing Donald Trump In "Home Alone 2" Is My New Favorite Meme

    Dolly Parton, plz.

    As Trump gets de-platformed after the attempted Capitol coup, some Twitter users have suggested he get taken out of one more thing: Home Alone 2.

    Donald Trump directs Kevin McAllister at the Plaza in Home Alone 2

    IDK about you, but the cameo of a man who instigated a horrifying, violent coup just isn't very...Christmassy.

    Digitally remove him from Home Alone 2 next

    Twitter: @josephlongo_

    Instead of Trump, some Twitter users have made their own suggestions for a replacement — including Dolly Parton:

    NOW digitally replace the Home Alone 2 cameo with one of Dolly Parton 🙌🏻

    Twitter: @glenrules

    Christopher Plummer:

    Donald Trump has been digitally erased from Home Alone 2: Lost in New York (1992) and replaced by Christopher Plummer

    Twitter: @jbillinson

    AKA Kevin Spacey's replacement in All the Money in the World.

    Jabba the Hutt:

    I can’t believe they were able to get George Lucas’ team to remove him in the Home Alone 2 special edition.

    Twitter: @Ben_Etc

    Present-day Macaulay Culkin:

    Not only should we digitally remove Donald Trump from Home Alone 2, we should replace him with adult Macaulay Culkin. Just make that plot go off the rails.

    Twitter: @jessecase

    Keanu Reeves:

    Twitter: @BrendanMilove

    A dude telling Kevin to stay away:

    Instead of removing Trump from Home Alone 2 they added a weird guy warning Kevin not to talk to him

    Twitter: @iamRichieOwens

    Or, simply, nothing:

    due to popular request I have removed trump from home alone

    Twitter: @maxschramp

    TBH, I'm into the idea of replacing Trump with something far more pleasing. So here are my humble suggestions: For one, national treasure Guy Fieri.

    Or Harry Styles, he's always nice to look at.

    How about a corgi? They always make me feel good.

    Who would you replace Trump with? LMK in the comments!