I Have A Sneaking Suspicion That Travis Barker's New Tattoo Is In Honor Of Kourtney Kardashian, And Here's My Evidence

    This is a case for the FBI.

    Travis Barker posted a video of him tattooing himself, and it's led to some speculation regarding his relationship with Kourtney Kardashian.

    Now, the tattoo is definitely a reference to the 1993 Quentin Tarantino movie True Romance. I know this, for one, because Travis posted a quote from the movie alongside a picture of his tattoo.

    The tattoo says "You're so cool!"

    However, I have a hypothesis that the tattoo is actually in honor of someone else: Kourtney Kardashian, aka Travis's new(ish) girlfriend.

    An arrow pointing to Kourtney on a red carpet

    EXHIBIT A: Travis shared a photo of a napkin with "You're so cool" written on it, presumably the inspiration for the tattoo.

    You know whose writing that looks an awful look like? Yup, Kourtney's. Behold, this love note she sent him:

    The note says, "I love you" with a heart

    IMHO, they look mighty similar — especially the love hearts.

    A side-by-side of the writing

    Kourtney even commented the line right back at him, which, at the very least, implies she's into the tattoo.

    EXHIBIT B: Kourtney shared a series of stills from True Romance back in January. This would have been early in the pair's relationship, and we all know that watching your beloved's fave movie is a key part of any courtship.

    What's more, Travis even commented on Kourtney's post with the line, "You're so cool" — cementing, at least in my mind, a clear link between the two.

    Do you think the tattoo is Kourtney-related? LMK in the comments!