17 People Who Did The Bare Minimum On Their Jobs And Regretted Nothing

    Eh, close enough.

    1. First, this delivery person who did not feel like knocking:

    2. This editor who didn't know Chinese:

    3. This target employee who just wasn't vibing with sleeves: 

    4. This person who wasn't quite sure what pugs looked like: 

    5. This very literal engraver: 

    6. This designer who had quite the way with words: 

    7. And this headline writer who took an abstract approach: 

    8. This cake designer who had a minimalist take on frogs: 

    9. This school worker who likely said, "It'll do":

    10. This guy who got the general gist of a straight line: 

    11. This person whose spelling honestly makes me want it more:

    12. This star employee who took a different approach to art: 

    13. This person who, hey, at least got a functioning door in:

    14. This employee of the month who didn't give a damn about your bathroom privacy: 

    15. This DMV worker who, in all fairness, may have just been taking a photo of a woman who looked a lot like a chair:

    16. This chap who probably went, "The job description said nothing about leaves": 

    17. Finally, this bookstore employee who must have some pretty sweet connections: 

    H/T r/NotMyJob