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    Marvel Star Evangeline Lilly Made A Lengthy Instagram Post About Attending And Supporting An Anti-Vaccination Rally In DC

    "I was in DC this weekend to support bodily sovereignty."

    You may have heard that there was an anti-vaccination rally in Washington, DC this past weekend — which had Robert F. Kennedy Jr. invoke Nazi Germany in a speech that has been called both historically inaccurate and antisemitic, and had members of the white nationalist group the Proud Boys in attendance.

    Anti-vaxxers with signs and flags at the rally

    Well, one of the people in attendance was none other than actor Evangeline Lilly, who you may know from Lost, Ant-Man, and The Hobbit. How do I know this? Because she posted about attending on Instagram.

    Evangeline at the premiere of Antman and the Wasp

    It's worth saying now that COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective. According to the CDC, over 535 million doses have been given within the US.

    "I was in DC this weekend to support bodily sovereignty," she wrote on Instagram. She then listed a number of things that she believes people should not be threatened with in order to get vaccinated, such as "violent attack," "arrest or detention without trial," and "starvation."

    "This is not the way. This is not safe. This is not healthy. This is not love. I understand the world is in fear, but I don’t believe that answering fear with force will fix our problems," she continued.

    She then concluded with a pro-choice message that has been co-opted by many against vaccinations, writing, "I was pro-choice before COVID and I am still pro-choice today."

    This isn't the first time that Evangeline has faced scrutiny for her comments on COVID-19 — back in March 2020, she posted about how she would not be practicing social distancing.

    Once more, COVID vaccines are safe. Moreover, vaccine mandates have been around in the US since the 19th century and are effective at promoting vaccination.

    In short, I would politely request that you do not look to celebrities for advice on COVID-19, which has killed more than 874,000 people in the US, over actual scientists.