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This Year's Celebrity April Fools Jokes Ranked, From The Cringe To The Convincing

"That’s the meanest thing you’ve ever done."

Ah, April Fools Day: a dreaded day to be a celebrity journalist. Perhaps it's just the plethora of questionable information already out there on the internet, but this year felt quiet. Too quiet. Yet, some folks prevailed and even got me like the sucker I am. So, I decided to go about ranking their efforts. My qualifications? Literally nothing, you can disagree, it's fine.

8. Martha Stewart pranking her camera crew by pretending to collapse and bleed from her head.

7. Heidi Klum faking being pregnant via her America's Got Talent coworkers.

6. Usher pretending that Beyoncé would be joining him onstage at Dreamville Fest.

5. Michael Che telling the SNL audience not to laugh during Colin Jost's Weekend Update jokes.

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NBC / Via youtube.com

In the words of Colin: "That’s the meanest thing you’ve ever done."

4. Chris Pratt announcing that he was the new voice of Mickey Mouse.

3. Aubrey Plaza thanking the Delaware government for announcing "a new artistic installation featuring a 100 ft. tall statue of April Ludgate, the Parks and Rec character played by Aubrey Plaza (voted most famous Delawarean in the News Journal)."

2. Rick Astley saying he was going to step back from music to focus on kittens.

What lovely Photoshop.

1. Sarah Polley's daughter sending her a fake letter saying that she had to "mail back" her Oscar for Best Adapted Screenplay for Women Talking as All Quiet on the Western Front was the "rightful" winner.

My eleven-year-old swung low for April Fools Day this year. #AprilFoolsDay

Twitter: @realsarahpolley

Shoutout to the All Quiet on the Western Front writer replying to the tweet.