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18 Beauty Vloggers That Will Vastly Improve Your Makeup Game

YouTube has so much more to offer than sponsored hauls.

We asked members of the BuzzFeed Community to tell us about their favourite underrated beauty Youtubers. Here are some of their responses.

1. Kimberly Clarke refreshingly encourages you not to buy products and to be more mindful with your consumerism in general.

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"She's hilarious and also does really well thought out, intelligent videos in her 'Listen Up' series on gender, consumerism, etc."

Submitted by Rachel Schillinger-Norris, Facebook

2. Alissa Ashley does great makeup tutorials for people with hooded eyes.

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"She's real, honest, funny, and you know that any product she recommends is worth it. She does videos with both high end and drugstore makeup, sometimes compares the two, and her eyeliner for hooded eyes video completely saved my eyeliner game."

Submitted by maiaaaaa

3. Stephanie Nicole makes really well-researched and informative videos, particularly about skincare.

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"She's super smart, breaks down the cost of product so you know what you're paying for and gives honest reviews regardless of the hype that surrounds it. Her skincare tutorials have turned my life around because she knows so much about the different vitamins and chemicals that your skin needs. I haven't had any problems with my skin for six months now after years of torture! I can also probably name every layer of skin cause of her!"

Submitted by Laura Hicks, Facebook

4. Tashina Combs of Logical Harmony always has great cruelty-free beauty and lifestyle suggestions.

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"She's great source for all things cruelty-free and vegan, and always has the best suggestions!"

Submitted by madelineolmsted

5. Loepsie makes a lot of unique, well-researched, and vintage-inspired hair and beauty tutorials.

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"She makes tutorials inspired by historical beauty icons (like Hedy Lamar or Grace Kelly) or by fictional beauty icons (like Christine Daaé or Juliet Capulet).Her content is very original and refreshing and I just love her personality."

Submitted by kelenl2

"She's such a breath of fresh air! She makes these amazing and well-researched videos on historical beauty and it's icons. Her channel has a good mix of vlogs, tutorials and more personal topics like anxiety and contraception."

Submitted by isabellaisapanda

6. JoyNavon makes excellent videos on natural hairstyles as is refreshingly sincere on a broad range of topics.

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"She's amazing at makeup, as well as natural hair and protective styles. And she does 'Soul Sessions', where she talks about specific topics like love, goals, career. She's genuinely a beautiful woman, inside and out and I could watch her videos all day."

Submitted by sabrinasimmons1114

7. Cassie of Thrift Thick was recommended by numerous users because of how honest and real she is.

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"She uploads five videos per week, and has the most honest reviews ever! Plus she actually zooms in on her foundation reviews and doesn't use a ring light so you can actually see the look and texture of a product in natural light."

Submitted by milkandcookies789

8. TheLineUp are a duo that make videos ranging a broad spectrum of topics, including beauty, style, and DIY.

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"They are amazing. Their style and video editing is incredible and their DIY videos have been so helpful. You can really see the effort they put into their content."

Submitted by badas.

9. Kate La Vie makes a huge range of content, covering beauty and lifestyle, all with a tasteful and chic touch.

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"I love Kate La Vie's home style – super chic and cosy at the same time. She has the same approach to makeup and style too – chic but simple. She's also got the sweetest kitten."

Submitted by Ailbhe Malone

10. Karima McKimmie makes super professional makeup tutorials that are always wearable and natural.

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"She is really likeable and makes wonderful tutorials."

Submitted by rachaelgreen02

11. Sharon Farrell is an ex-MUA who makes a lot of content that'll be useful for those with pale skin and hyper-pigmentation.

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"I've been watching her videos for nearly four years now and I have learned so much from her. Her knowledge of the industry and products put her way beyond your average blogger. Plus she makes brilliant vlogs that feature her drunk cooking and her lovely husband Paul. If you're looking to watch someone who's funny, clever AND does beautiful makeup then I couldn't recommend her more."

Recommended by beas4

12. ThaTaylaa is a vlogger with cystic acne that makes well-researched videos about achieving flawless coverage and general skincare.

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"She's genuine, honest, informative, and entertaining! She has combination skin with cystic acne – it's so refreshing to watch a beauty vlogger with blemished skin."

Submitted by Ami

13. Jordi of itslikelymakeup has a really unique and colourful style, and the tutorial with her six-year-old doing the voiceover is adorable.

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"She has a style that's the perfect mix of glam and edgy, and every single one of her makeup looks is so unique and consistently on-point. She's honest without being rude, and she's not afraid to form her own opinions and speak out about them. Plus, her video of her six-year-old son doing her voiceover is instantly iconic."

Submitted by billieb4ef00cff2

14. Lisa Eldridge is not exactly unknown, but is a true professional who has been in the industry for years, and whose tutorials will definitely enrich your feed.

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"Lisa is a professionally trained make-up artist and is currently the global creative director of Lancôme. There's also a genuine love of make-up in all of her videos and she believes that make-up is both a way of expressing yourself and enhancing your best features. Her looks are timeless and strays away from the overly drawn trends."

Submitted by maggieluna1744

15. Gothamista makes highly informative videos about all things skincare.

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"Not only is she able to recommend skincare products, but explain exactly why and how those products work, and the most effective way to apply them. She makes the most informative and useful skincare videos I've ever come across and I always refer to her before buying a new skincare product."

Recommended by Natalya Lobanova

16. Sonjdradeluxe's tutorials will help you achieve that Instagram-perfect look.

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"She is so underrated! She's honest and true to herself. Her flawless skin tutorials are ridiculously good and she doesn't follow the same kind of routine as most of the other youtubers, which I find really refreshing. She's someone I think has a lot of integrity in the beauty game."

Submitted by betha43d1b201c

17. Mariah Leonard is great for honest suggestions and inexpensive dupes.

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"Mariah Leonard is one of the GREATEST beauty Youtubers I've seen! she gives such articulate and unique reviews, and she's honest all of the time. Plus she has incredibly refreshing content and does really inventive looks!"

Submitted by sedoughnuts

18. Kristabel is super down-to-earth and perfectly encapsulates London style.

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"Kristabel is so chill and shows of the best of London. She also talks a lot of sense about working for yourself and being your own boss."

Submitted by Ailbhe Malone

Note: Submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.

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