23 Pictures That Prove The Queen Is The Most Relatable Monarch

    Who says being an archaic figurehead means you can't relate to the general public?

    1. When no one told you that the party has a theme:

    2. When your crush is talking to you and you're pretending to be deeply engaged in what they're saying but you're actually just thinking about how hot they are:

    3. When someone randomly gives you a gift that you didn't ask for and you pretend to be flattered but it's actually a bit creepy:

    4. When someone is explaining something to you and you pretend to be following them but you actually have no idea what's going on:

    5. When the white dude in your philosophy class says he just wants to "play the devil's advocate":

    6. When you open the fridge and find some delicious leftovers you forgot you had:

    7. When you've been half asleep for the past 15 minutes and someone calls your name:

    8. When your friend makes a really subtle joke that no one picks up on except you:

    9. When someone makes a Freudian slip without even realising:

    10. When your S.O. fucks up and you're just patiently listening to their excuses before setting them straight:

    11. When you hear someone across the table talking about you:

    12. When you're just quietly cringing on someone else's behalf:

    13. When you would really rather be at home but you already said you're attending the party on Facebook and would feel bad flaking so you go anyway:

    14. When someone you don't like makes a shit joke and you want them to know their joke was shit:

    15. When you see a cool dog and it makes your day 100% better:

    16. When someone is really enthusiastic and you have no idea what they're talking about but you appreciate their energy:

    17. When you go on a walking holiday with your parents and your mum insists on taking photos of everything, even if the view is entirely unremarkable:

    18. When your boss makes a truly awful pun but you have to laugh anyway because they're your boss:

    19. When you go to your friend's interpretative dance show to be supportive but you don't really get it:

    20. When you're at a gig and just trying to do your best to see as much of the stage as you can:

    21. When you're sat next to that one person who you literally cannot sustain a conversation with:

    22. When you start to realise you didn't bring quite the right kit for the gym:

    23. When you finally get to take a photo with a big cat for your Tinder profile: