16 Super Romantic But Super Cheap Ways To Impress Your Valentine

    In case your bank account hasn't recovered from Christmas yet.

    We asked the BuzzFeed Community to tell us their tips for having a great Valentine's Day on a budget, here are the best responses.

    1. Book a Brewery tour.

    2. Celebrate on the 15th instead.

    3. Or, order a gift to arrive the day before.

    4. Try some Pinterest hacks for homemade gifts.

    5. Build up a homemade gift of 365 little love notes for next year (or start now for a 30 day one).

    6. Make a fancy, romantic meal together at home.

    7. Give each other a massage.

    8. Find thoughtful and unique gifts in charity and vintage shops.

    9. Go on a date to a museum or art gallery.

    10. Buy a thoughtful book.

    11. Take the time to craft them the perfect mixtape or playlist.

    12. Make a little lollipop bouquet.

    13. Book your hotel well in advance and maybe even for the day before.

    14. Treat your partner, and yourself, to an extra long sesh in bed.

    15. Buy something cheap, then take a little time to customise it to make it more thoughtful.

    16. If you celebrate Galentine's/Palentine's Day instead – do it secret santa style.

    Responses have been edited for length and clarity.

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