22 Mistakes Every Edinburgh University Student Makes

    Trying to get a seat in the library after 9am the week before exams start.

    1. Going to Hive in first year.

    You know why it's called "Hive"? Because everything in it is sticky and it's full of angry little fuckers that want to prick you, just like a beehive.

    2. Going to Hive any year of your degree.

    3. Thinking a trip up Arthur's Seat will be leisurely stroll.

    4. Pissing away the first two years of your degree and having a crisis at the start of 3rd year when you realise your grades now actually count towards your degree.

    5. Or, studying really hard during the first two years then realising that you should have made the most of having fewer responsibilities.

    6. Doing absolutely zero work throughout the semester except during the one week before an essay deadline and the week before exams.

    7. Not looking at course timetables before signing up to them.

    8. Leaving which courses you choose until the last minute.

    9. Signing up to 46 different society mailing lists during Freshers' Week.

    10. Not doing your readings.

    11. Thinking an all-nighter is a good idea.

    Turning in an assignment after an all nighter

    12. Taking sunshine for granted.

    13. Missing a lecture... or ten.

    14. Not taking notes during a lecture.

    15. Taking your summer clothes with you.

    16. Thinking you could go to the 4th floor of the library and not have any distractions.

    17. Going to the library after 9AM a week before exams start and expecting to get a seat.

    18. Thinking a pint, half a bottle of wine, and a bunch of shots is a great idea.

    19. Thinking you won't need an umbrella.

    20. Thinking any old umbrella can withstand the Scottish winds.

    21. Mispronouncing "ceilidh".

    22. Taking any of your time at Edinburgh for granted.