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    21 Copper Things That Will Make Your Home Beautiful

    In case you need any ideas of what to spend your coppers on.

    We hope you love the products we recommend! Just so you know, BuzzFeed may collect a share of sales from the links on this page.

    1. This bloody incredible copper and rose pearl Macbook case, from Etsy.

    2. This beautiful cement and copper-dipped plant pots, from here.

    3. This dainty jewellery box from Urban Outfitters.

    4. This lovely leather makeup bag, from Etsy.

    5. This amazing vintage-style telephone from Asos.

    6. This handy copper basket from Sass and Belle.

    7. This copper cutlery set, sure to make an impression on your friends, from Zara.

    8. This beautiful (and shiny) ceiling lamp from Etsy.

    9. These lovely copper measuring cups that will make baking even better, from Anthropologie.

    10. These crane scissors that look like they belong in a museum, from Anthropologie.

    11. This copper coffee table, from Urban Outfitters.

    12. These amazing shiny notebooks, from here.

    13. This actually copper-plated stapler, if you're feeling spendy and like to invest in stationary, from Liberty.

    14. Or this equally luxurious copper pen, from Selfridges.

    15. This cool geometrical copper candle holder, from here.

    16. Or this more solid copper-encased candle.

    17. This copper clothes rail so you can display your clothes in the best way possible.

    18. These super cute miniature bud vases made of porcelain and copper, from here.

    19. This kind of wild bear-shaped beer bottle opener.

    20. This industrial looking desk lamp.

    21. These cool planters that can also be used normally or as wall platers.